Sorry about the little existential crisis. I'm feeling much better now. Last night, I went into work and led a really great group. Feeling confident and capable as an art therapist fills me to the brim with satisfaction.

Working and being busy has always been a good thing for me.
Hi ho, hi ho. Now it's off to work I go.
i enjoyed your existential crisis. is that mean? i hope work goes amazingly and you have a wonderful day! :)
So glad to hear it!
glad you feel better! wasnt it one of our lovely prophets who said...get to work it will cure your grief? hmm, i think ill look that up! : )
so glad you found my blog, yours is fabulous. and um hi i'm a creeper...but you looked very familiar to me and when i read you were an art therapist it clicked! i was a nursing student this summer at uni and totally sat in on some of your sessions. you are great at what you do!
So you worked, huh? I'm almost sorry, but it sounds like it was good!
I'm still a mommy blogger and an apologetic blogger. Someday I hope to write with your freedom! Love your blog, keep em coming.
hi! Thanks so much for your comment on my blog! Love your blog! :) I'd love to know more about your job as an art therapist and your apartment is adorable. Can't wait to read more. Have a great weekend!
Thank you for your lovely comment and the birthday wishes!
Your blog is adorable!
being busy is how I function!!.. thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm glad I found yours! It's definately "follow worthy". :)
Xo, Laura
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