I just want to let everyone know that this morning, Chas:

made me breakfast
packed my lunch
made the bed exactly how I like it
We're fast approaching perfection with this one.
Also, we moved to a new apartment over the weekend and are almost all settled in. Pictures of the new digs coming soon!
i'm impressed...can he teach my husband a few things?? ;) hope the rest of the day has been great! xoxo {av}
What a sweetie! I think his family put the training into him early. =)
Can't wait to see pics of the new place - I might need to come visit when I'm down at my Mom's sometime!
What a good hubby you've got! If only I could teach mine to make the bed at all! I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures of your new place, moving is no fun but the new space always makes me happy =)
what a loving husband you have!
how great is he!
delightful stuff - your blog name alone makes me smile :)
aw, so cute!
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