Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Young People Style: what's not to love?

Sometimes, I hate having to dress up nice for church on Sundays. 
Sometimes, I love it. 
Chas, on the other hand, always loves it. 

Side notes: 
I totally made that skirt. Yeahhh boi. 
You like that skinny tie on my skinny guy? Yeah, me too. 

I have a little story to tell you about something that happened in church this week. 

Every Sunday, we serve in the Nursery. This means that, for two hours, we're in a room taking care of kids who are 18 months to 3 years old. We play, have a 4-minute lesson, eat snacks, sing songs, cry, color, cry, and play. 
It's insane...but in a good way...mostly. 

I have a good friend named Heather who has the cutest, most precocious little girl, Nora. Nora is one of our favorite Nursery kids. 
Sunday evening, Heather had this convo with Nora: 

Heather: Nora, what did you learn about in Nursery today?

Nora: Coloring. 

Heather: Oh, nice. Who did you play with? 

Nora: (giggling) Chas. 

...brief pause...

Nora: I love him!

(Please note: this is the same little girl who also told her mom recently that her baby's name was "Nora and Chas baby.")

Even though I can't blame the girl, I'm a little confused. I'm the one who carries her around, distracts her with the doll, and reads her books when she starts crying for her parents. Me. Not Chas. Chas actually has almost no interaction with Nora. 

But, like I said, I can't blame her. I guess he just has that effect. 
Good thing I'm not scared off by a little competition. 
That's right. I'm talking to you, Nora. 

And one more thing. 

I'm giving away another print over at Across the Pond
(I know what you're thinking. Another giveaway? Jeeze louise.)


Mikelle Jade said...

that little girl sounds adorable! But it's like the little girl in Matt's primary class he taught before we were married who kept referring to Matt and I's upcoming wedding as "our wedding" meaning HERS and Matt's. It was a little bit weird.

Gentri said...

Hahahaha!! Fantastic! And that is amazing that you made that skirt!! Way to go! I... Cannot sew to save my life.

Anonymous said...

I love any and all stripey shirts- they make me feel like a super hot French lady. You look great.

megan danielle said...

my DREAM is to be called as a lifetime nursery teacher!!! id love to do it right after i get married with my husband!

Caitlin said...

Hahaha kids really do say some wacky things. And you look gorgeous in all of your clothes, but I know what you mean about getting dressed up. My aunt always talks about how she hates wearing "Barbie clothes." :)

Tracy said...

lovely skirt! that little nora sounds adorable!

Alisha said...

Hehe Nora sounds precious!

Can't believe you made that skirt. LOVE it! And Chas' skinny tie rocks! I'm a big fan of skinny ties :)

Jenna said...

Oh, that's funny! Love your skirt!

Abby said...

little kids are adorable and say the craziest things! I love it!

Cindy said...

Hahaha Nora sounds like a lovely little tyke. :) And eh, I guess your husband is a charmer, even with preschoolers lol!

And I really like your skirt a lot! Kudos on making it. Is it upcycled? You and Chas always look so appropriate for church. :)

Unknown said...

Oh Chas...he has a way with the ladies.

I'm a pre K teacher, and I breifly had a assistant named Brad (a guy named Brad, not a girl). He was there for about a month last summer. That's right... a year ago. The kids still ask about him and want to know when he's coming back. Geez.. little ones love the guys.

Andrea Stevenson said...

The husband and I serve in the nursery too! And it's seriously our favorite calling. We're super bummed though because we're moving to UT (aka leaving our fav calling) We're going to have to really sweet talk our new bishop. p.s. Lovin your Sunday bests! Adorable


kristine [kristine. or polly.] said...

You guys are absolutely adorable! And that story is so cute, it would be so fun to teach nursery!

kaysie said...

How are you so pretty?
I am jealous of your awesome skin and eyes! :)

Dee Paulino said...

this is hilarious, you guys are too cute for words.

Hannah {Culture Connoisseur} said...

:-D Love this!
A. You're skirt is great! Good work!
B. You and your hubby both have great style.
C. Conversations like that are why I want kiddos.

Laura said...

Hey there! I was thinking that was such a cute skirt...and you made it?! Love the gathers at the top, really fun. Yeah, sometimes I wish we could wear sweats to church...would be so comfy. :)

The Michelle Show said...

So, so cute! A friend of mine in church has a 4 year old son who tells me every day that I am his girlfriend. Cute!

B the mermaid said...

oh i usually love dressing up for church. mostly its just waking up early that bothers me. i adore the plaid pants!!!!!! and it's so true that little girls seem to have an attraction to cute guys. like the daycare i'm working at they were drawing pictures for one of the teacher's ex-boyfriends demanded she give them to him. it was funny. oh and come check my giveaway!!!


Maggy said...

adorable! I totally know how you feel, when I moved to CO though and everyone was sooo casual at church I started to want to dress up all the time!

Anonymous said...

you two. are so. cute.

Anonymous said...

That is such an adorable story! The little ones are the cutest, aren't they?

Unknown said...

you both look great!!

Unknown said...

I am loving you dressed up too...and your blog. That story is A-stinking-dorable. I had a crush like that in preschool...his name was Mike and he turned out weird. Glad that didn't go anywhere. :)

Ashley Arnold said...

TOO cute! Love the Nora story. And the skirt is daaaarling! Love the ruffled edge on the top.

CaseyWiegand said...

gosh u r beautiful

Renée said...

What a sweet story!! Haha! I bet that is a lot of fun every Sunday! You and your man are so cute together! Annnnd stylish:)

Bridget said...

you guys are adorable. and you made the skirt? impressive.

Unknown said...

You and your outfit are the cutest thing on this planet!