Monday, January 16, 2012

my post-high school life

It's strange how everyone is basically the same in high school.
But then graduation comes and we all scattered about to find our own separate, individual lives. 

Five years after high school, my life went a little something like this: 

Graduated with my BA degree from BYU in three years. 
Got married. 
Started selling my artwork on Etsy. 
Lived in Idaho Falls, Washington D.C., and Oregon. 
Started graduate school in Portland. 
Got divorced. 

And now, nine years after high school, I've:

Earned my MA in art therapy counseling. 
Moved back to Utah. 
Married the boy I had a crush on when I was 13 years-old. 
Started teaching as an adjunct professor for the Public Health department at UVU. 
Started working as an art therapist at the UofU's Neuropsychiatric Institute. 
Got pregnant. 

It's been an unexpected, sometimes bumpy, but exciting road. 
I'm proud of where I've been, what I've chosen for myself, and where I'm going. 


Unknown said...

This picture of you is so gorgeous! Your eyes pop and I love your hat!

Unknown said...

awwww great portrait of you!!! Love it!

::The Beetle Shack:: said...

you for got to mention

'through out the past 9 years I ive always been totally babe'n'.


xo em

Ruthie Hart said...

you look so beautiful dear!

Maria Larsen said...

Such a great post! Nine years later and you're doing great!

Gaby said...

life's funny like that, you just never know where you're going to end up. loved reading this post!

lauren jean allece said...

This is a wonderful post :) Sometimes it feels like high school wasn't so far away (almost 8 years for me) but when I stop and think about how far I've come as a person, it's really amazing!

Hope you are having a great week so far (and that Little Cryings is doing well!)

Elizabeth @ Love Is the Adventure said...

That's a wonderful list of life-things. Hard and good and rich and full.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing to see the roads we are led down, isn't it? :)

Molly said...

I agree with The Beetle Shack. This whole time, you've been totally babe'n.

Bryttan said...

You lived in Idaho Falls? I'm from Shelley! How funny

Brianna said...

I would have never known you were previously married! Bumpy road indeed!

Allie said...

And you are probably a better person from all the twist and turns life has thrown at you. :)

Whitney @ EHFAR said...

Love this picture of you. It has been eight years for me. I can't believe it has been that long. It's so great to see the things you have accomplished. There are so many people I have seen that desperately try to hold on to high school for years and years. You have accomplished a lot in my book!

Kendra said...

I completely understand! I'm only 3 years out of high school but my life has already changed so drastically! Love this post :)
Stop by and enter my giveaway and win some amazing design software!

Amanda said...

my life is not at all what i thought it would be!

you're gorgeous!

Amanda said...

That picture is amazing. You have done great things since high school. All I have to say is that you have lived life.

Simply Valorie said...

That picture is stunning. And you know what? Good for you! I'm four years out of high school now and I'm always wondering where the next four will get me - glad to see it's working out well for you!

Mindee said...

You look pretty in your pic! I didnt know you had a previous sorry you had to go through that stuff...But im even more happy that youre married to your best friend and have the cutest baby on the way! Life does throw plenty of curve balls at us..Youve accomplished so much, good for you girl!

Lai Yen Yi said...

You look cute on that hat,Ha ha!
you study so much in high school and this made me want to take some extra subject too!
Have a nice day then.

Kylie said...

You look beautiful Sam!

Anonymous said...

Sam you make adorable hats like that so easy to model ha :) great pic! xo

Beka said...

i love this. i've been thinking about how i've changed since high school lately and i think i will do a post similar to yours.

Young and Fabulous said...

you are BEAUTIFUL!

and i love your life and how far it has come since high school. Bravo my friend! Big things poppin :-)

and btw im loving your hair color! It seriously looks like the hair in shampoo commercials that I basically drool over! haha


Laynah said...

You had a crush on him when you were 13?! That is too perfect!

Wow, what a life.
heart it.

Tracy said...

You are so amazing, and such an inspiration! Thanks for sharing, and for reminding us how much we grow after high school.

Mugdha said...

This is really inspiring to me. I'm kind of at a turning point in my life that I've been nervous about, and it gives me hope to see how well you're doing!

Rachael said...

You've defeintely done a lot in your life so far!! I had no idea that you lived in DC for a time...I feel more connected to you now!! (I'm from N.VA-very close to DC). Does that make me sound stalkerish?...Hope not! :)
But that's great, all the things you've done with your life so far. That is much more than me!!

Whim Wham Life said...

and girl, you're going places! sososo excited for you! xoxo

Unknown said...

Look at you miss Sam! Work it!

alex said...

Wow, it's amazing how much your life can change.. and how unexpected it can be. But honestly, your life sounds amazing, yeah it might have been a bit hard some times, but in the end everything worked out(: