Sunday, June 26, 2011

the frozen yogurt dilemma

A new frozen yogurt place just opened up in our neighborhood. 

Yesterday, after spending the day riding around SLC on Scoots, we stopped by my parents, borrowed Archie, and the three of us walked down to Top It. 

Archie pup and I waited outside while Chas went in and got the goods. We shared a bowl of red velvet, peach, pink lemonade, and cookies & cream. We should've each had our own bowl but apparently Top It is dang expensive. 
It's as daaaaaang delicious as it is expensive, though. 

Over $4 for not even that much frozen yogurt? The best frozen yogurt of your life?

Probably the hardest decision you'll ever make?


jessi bridges said...

I love your style! And your pup is adorable.

ps- yum!!

Unknown said...

How cute! I think if it was the best frozen yogurt, I probably would spend $4. It sounds delish!

Love the headband/scarf/whatever it is. LOVE it. I need to be creative in my style I think.

Anonymous said...

You look adorable.

I say that if you love something, like frozen yogurt for example, you should definitely treat yourself to it.

Where is Top It?

Caitlin said...

The gelato shop near us is pretty expensive too. For both of us to get "treat" size (the smallest size, still a fair amount of gelato though) is $7! TOTALLY WORTH IT!

Swirls of Happy said...

I am fro-yo obsessed!!! I could eat it everyday, so yes, that would be a very hard decision. :)

Jenna said...

Have you ever had Pinkberry? I didn't know what love was until I had Pinkberry frozen yogurt. Oh. My.

You're so cute!

Red Lip Gloss said...

Frozen yogurt always seems to be much more expensive than ice cream AND yet it's much more delicious....hmmmm, big dilemna..


To The Stars said...

1. Love the bandana! I am glad I know a fellow bandana wearer, because Aaron always calls me a pirate when I wear one...aaargh.
2. I have a buy one get one free Top It...want to go for an afternoon treat on Tuesday or Wednesday?

April said...

AWwww, I really wish I had an Archie to borrow too!

Unknown said...

$4 for yogurt? I would spend that much if it's as good as you say it is.

Gentri said...

That is a dilema! Guess it's just one I'll have to figure out for myself! haha! Sounds divine!! And you look SO cute!! Love the outfit!

little said...

we have a ton of fro-yo places down here. awesome little date nights.

love, little.

Emily said...

That sounds like really amazing frozen yogurt... I want some!!

LindseyC said...

Arrrgh you are too stinkin adorable! And froyo is the key to my heart. I will go into massive debt to keep up my habit. I justify it by putting the most expensive toppings on it that I can... like raspberries. Makes me feel like I'm sneaking in better value.

Abby said...

this is a very difficult dilemma! Those flavors sound amazing!

Ruthie Hart said...

yummy! we went to a new froyo place right by our house, YogurtLand. It was SO nice and the cheapest we've been to! It's a franchise and they partner with Ghiradelli (OMG) you'll have to see if there is one by you!

Megan and Justin said...

That is a serious dilemma! I am kind of obsessed with frozen yogurt and probably pay too much for it but it's such a good little treat!

Mugdha said...

Froyo is the best thing ever when it's really hot outside! I repeat, the best.

Whim Wham Life said...

I love those new yogurt places! I'm like a kid in a candy store, every single time:-) xoxo

Mikelle Jade said...

mmm looks/sounds yummy. but definitely not trying it, glad you enjoyed it though!

Elle Keeps Moving said...

good to know! i've been wondering about that place. and now is a good time to get it before all the greasy, pubescent high schoolers are back in the fall!

Amanda said...

i'm majorly obsessed with fro-yo right now. we try to control ourselves....but sometimes we go multiple times a week! ha! good luck! :) what cute pictures!

Erika Lee @ A Tiny Rocket said...

I had the same discussion with my husband over the weekend. We decided that it's all about life's little pleasures :)

I also love making a frozen with all the different layers! its the greatest thing ever!

AmyLynn said...

Awww, Archie is adorable!

Cindy said...

Ahh is Top It the frozen yogurt place where they charge by the weight?? If so I've been there once! :D soooo good!

and lol, Sam, you make this sound like a mafia mission or something hahaha xD

Hannah {Culture Connoisseur} said...

Oh yes. We have these all over the place here. Same price, but definitely not the best thing you have ever tasted. I avoid them at all costs. If I'm to pay that much I want the kind of ice cream that clogs my arteries!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I would shell out the money if it's that good! Totally worth it!