Tuesday, January 3, 2012

a christmas with my family & the cabin


Anonymous said...

what a sweet video! the part with the little dude in his jumper is a riot!


Gentri said...

Wow. What a PERFECT Christmas! Can I join your family please? haha! Seriously, loved every minute of it!

Jenny said...

seriously amazing. i wish somebody would follow me around with a camera and make cool videos of all my vacations :)

Anonymous said...

I love your cool videos- such a great way to remember all those magical moments :)

Ruthie Hart said...

this is such a special video!

Lauren Leggatt said...

this is such a great video! :) love it!

Unknown said...

uhm I need to know if this is a family cabin or if I can go there! haha seriously looks like a blast!

Samantha said...

Aw what a great video! :) loved it :) Looks like you had a great christmas :)

Eliza :: Case Study said...

This is so awesome :) What a treasure! You have a beautiful family. xoxo, eliza

Sky said...

Tons of fun! I love it!

The French Bird said...

Home videos are THE BEST!!!!!!! I'm starting my own little collection ( thank goodness for Iphones that make it even easier!!!!)

Jessica said...

looks like you all had so much fun! i'm jealous of your video making skills ;)

Elle Keeps Moving said...

LOVE it. looks like you guys had an amazing time! it's so fun to have videos like this because you know you'll watch it over and over in the years to come as opposed to tons of random videos in old folders. so fun.

Emily said...

Love this video! Your family looks like so much fun-adopt me? ha!