Monday, January 30, 2012

two years

Today is our 2-year anniversary! 
(pic from our engagement photo sesh.)

2 years?!
How did that happen? It seems like just yesterday Chas and I were salsa dancing partners at youth conference in Frost Valley.
I was fifteen, Chas was sixteen. I loved being his salsa dancing partner. Gave me butterflies. 

I still get those same butterflies. 
Only now, they flutter in my tummy when he helps me put my socks on because our baby is making my tummy a little big and a little awkward. 

Not too long ago, in speaking about our upcoming anniversary together, Chas happily exclaimed: 

"2 years!? That means I'll have almost been married longer to you than anyone's ever been married to you!" 

Can't wait for that milestone either. 


Saskia said...

2 years is quite the milestone! And I love how you celebrate your marriage without negating your past experiences. I wish you and Chas many more happy anniversaries to come!

Caitlin said...

Wow, 2 years! Congratulations to you guys. And I love Chas's sentiments, haha.

Ryan Adair said...

Happy Annaversary! You guys are adorable and such a sweet example for all the young people who pass by your blog. This year must be extra special with a little one one the way. :)

Becca said...

Happy Anniversary you two!! Hope it's a lovely day :) x

Megan said...

hahahaha LOVE what he said.

L!$@ said...

Happy 2nd Anniversary! :D You two are so cute together!

Samantha said...

Happy anniversary! :)


Yésica Isabel said...

hahahah You guys make me laugh!!! Happy Anniversary*

Christi Lynn said...

congrats!! that is an awesome achivement

Anonymous said...

you two are SO adorable :) love this! happy anniv!

Steady Acre Farm said...

Bahahaha! Chas is hilarious. Honest, and hilarious. Love it.

Happy Anniversary to both of you (and to your little cryings too)! Year 3 is going to be so full and beautiful!

Faith said...

Chas is so sweet and hilarious!

happy anniversary! :)

Janssen said...

Happy anniversary!!! What a wonderful milestone.

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary!! We hit our 2 years in March and I can hardly believe it is almost here!
I know what you mean about feeling like dating your husband was just yesterday.
so happy for you and Chas (and little cryings)! I know you have so many more happy years ahead of you! :)
and this picture is adorable.

Janine said...

Happy anniversary. Two years goes by in a blink.

Mindee said...

What a pretty picture of you two! Happy Aniversay! The years go by hubby and I are celebrating our third anniversay in march! Hope its a fun, great, romanitc day for you guys : )

Jenna @ said...

Haha- I love Chas's comment :) So cute and funny.

Happy two year anniversary!!! <3

Ruthie Hart said...

happy anniversary to such a cute, sweet and in love couple!

Jesseca said...

Oh goodness, that picture is too sweet! And congratulations on your 2nd anniversary. Here's to many many many more. :)

Greta said...

You two might be the cutest couple ever. I don't even know you, but I have to say it. Congrats on feeling the "flutters!"

Jenna said...


Happy anniversary. You two are such old souls, it feels like you've been married forever when I read your posts.

jackie said...

happy anniversary you two lovebirds :)

Chynna said...

Happy Anniversary! Hey we just celebrated our first anniversary this weekend...check it out!
You guys are so cute:)

AK said...

congratulations. you two are a seriously beautiful couple and compliment eachother so well.

Anonymous said...

Aww, congrats Sam!

Katie said...

So sweet! Happy anny!!!

Katie Marie said...

Congrats! You too are just the most adorable couple ever!

Rosemary said...


::The Beetle Shack:: said...

oh my goodness you guys are so fabulously normal. I love that you joke about the realness of life and love.

xo em

happy forever you three xxx

Erin said...

Congrats! Happy Anniversary! You two are absolutely adorable!

Rachael said...

Happy Anniversary!! You guys are so cute! Love that photo :)