Monday, July 30, 2012

middle name

there are five girls in my family and none of us have middle names. so when chas and i found out we were having a girl, it felt natural to me to not give hero a middle name either. and when your last name is kelly, it makes even more sense to keep that as a future maiden name.

so it was just hero kelly. no middle name. simple and cool.

but then chas told me last week that he kinda wanted her to have a middle name. and because i love him more than watching friday night lights, the middle name brainstorming began. and i'm glad. because we found the greatest middle name.

hero marilyn kelly.

marilyn is my grandma's name. she was the most amazing, strong, angelic women to ever live. having her name paired with "hero" is such a fun, fitting combination. even though my grandma went through her whole life basically invisible to the world, she was nothing short of a hero to her family. to the very end, marilyn was a brave fighter but also the most gentle lamb. i love that we can honor her life this way.

p.s. check out hero's right hand in this pic. just a liiiiittle passive aggressive, wouldn't you say?
naughty baby.


Anonymous said...

Love the middle name! Plus... With a middle name, if she gets in trouble she'll really know it! I middle name my husband all the time! Our cats even have middle names. ;) xoxo A-

Hannah Lesley said...

Ummm...that picture is amazing. What a sneaky little girl:)

Nessa @{Casa Braaflat} said...

its kind of perfect!

little said...

her right hand is awesome! that's a framer and one to use at future points of embarrassment : )

Liz / Tangible Ingredients said...

hahaha rebel! such a cute name.

annton said...

beautiful! hero marilyn kelly; the first step into becoming a magical woman one day. maybe a writer or a painter, with a lot of grace and strength.

Shelby said...

I love the new blog design:) Hero is such a beautiful little girl!

Chas said...

You should consider re-naming this post: Hero's middle name... and middle finger. Ha!

Rosemary said...

taught her everything she knows.

Emily said...

Your daughter is so pretty. And feisty! Perfect combination.

stephanie hammer said...

oh Sam that's gorgeous!!

Emma Frances said...

I love her name and her middle name! They fit just perfectly together! :] And you three make the cutest family!

Alexandra said...

y'all are so adorable! and I love her middle name!!

Lauren Gardner said...

haha! awesome! Sam, who designed your new blog layout? Was it you? it looks great! i am having the hardest time trying to figure out how to fix mine

Anonymous said...

that is such a great name. i'm glad you chose such a fantastic first and middle name for her! it is perfect :)

Tunes & Spoons said...

haha that passive aggressive middle finger literally made me giggle out loud. thanks for that.

marilyn...gorgeous choice. gorgeous

Jennifer said...

Awesome name, beautiful picture and bad ass pose. LOL

Great blog! I am your newest follower. :)

Unknown said...

HA! Such a sneaky Hero! I've always liked middle names and her's is especially fitting.

Rachael said...

Oh my gosh, that little hand gesture cracked me up! So funny.
But that middle name is pretty. I love that it has special meaning for you.