Thursday, October 7, 2010

The ATR application process has officially begun

I'm simply waiting for my Marylhurst official transcript to arrive in the mail. Then my ATR application package will be complete. What's an ATR you ask? It stands for Art Therapist Registered and is basically like my licensure as an art therapist. Sometimes I explain it as being similar to a Registered Nurse versus just a CNA. It's taken a total of 1000 post-Master's clinical hours and 100 hours of clinical supervision. 


I honestly never thought I'd get my ATR, let alone this quickly after graduating. In grad school, it seemed we were always being warned of how hard it would be to find a job in which we could actually practice art therapy versus just traditional talk therapy, which we're luckily trained and qualified to do as well. To be in a position where I can do all art therapy, all the time, and be supervised by two art therapists is art therapy fairy tale. For real. I absolutely love practicing art therapy with all different kinds of people in a psych hospital. Never a dull moment. And more importantly, I learn so much from the patients. 

It usually takes people years to accrue the necessary art therapy hours for an ATR. I'm super lucky ducky to have my job because it's taken me just a year of work to get mine.

I've been planning my ATR celebration in my mind for months but now that it's finally here, we're kind of having a hard time deciding what to do--where and how to spend a little money to celebrate this the right way. One thing is for sure, though. Seeing this movie is a must.

Patients in a psychiatric hospital...doing art therapy. 
Stop it. It's just too perfect.

1 comment:

Nikki (and Crew!) said...

Nice! I totally want to see that movie.

You MUST eat at Franck's. It's around back of the Tuscany. You will never want any other food again. But you must bring the bucks.