Wednesday, February 26, 2014

sunny, happy days

the weather here in utah has been super unseasonably warm. we're talking low 60's and sunshine. i can't believe how happy it's making me feel!

on sunday afternoon, i laid out on a blanket in our front yard and was soon joined by a good friend who lives across the street. we chatted and waved to families on bike rides and listened to the classical music her husband was playing on their car stereo as he cleaned out the trunk.

on monday morning, hero and i went outside for a bit. this quickly turned into three other moms with kids (2 of which are hero's exact same age) coming out and playing as well.

on tuesday, i got my hair done and hero played allll day with her best neighbor friend, kaya, and a few other neighborhood kids.

this morning, we ventured out once more and walked around the block. i gave hero a little bucket to carry so she could put all her rock/twig/leaf treasures she finds along the way in it. she held onto my finger almost the whole time, waved to "puppies," practiced our best bird sounds, and my mama heart bursted with love each and every time something new would catch her eye for her treasure bucket.

basically, our neighborhood and this weather is the best thing ever. i was telling chas the other night how amazing it is to be able to walk outside, send out a text to some moms, and within minutes, 3-5 other moms are outside with us- all living either across the street or a few houses away. it's complete mommy paradise. this little area of utah may not be the most posh or hip but who the heck cares when there are so many young families with girls the same age as hero (and some other pregnant moms too!). unless you're a stay-at-home mama, i think it might be hard to understand how vitally important it is to have a good support group of moms nearby. and what's more- it's never ever a fashion show, if that makes sense. i go out almost every day in my jammies and no-makeup and bed head and don't give a second thought about it. it's so refreshing and calming knowing that no one cares one bit about what you look like or what you're wearing. only genuine love and goodness 'round these parts.


a fresh cut and color is also adding a little bounce to my step. fun springtime hair is here! (excuse the lame instagram photo. like i said, i'm trying to focus more on writing and less on photo quality lately with this blog...)


Jessica said...

um..i want to live in your neighborhood!!

Unknown said...

That's awesome to have such a great neighborhood. A treasure indeed!
Also, I think we need a bump photo update on baby #2! And I'm curious how this pregnancy has been similar or different to hero's. :)

stephanie hammer said...

OOH sam i just love this. i can tell you right now that i'm jealous haha. your hair is awesome, your updated sidebar is awesome, and your jobs and your babies and everything. you are someone that i look up to so much & strive to be someday!

Unknown said...

تتميز شركة حراسات امنية بتواجد فيها اقوي العاملين في مجال الامن و الحماية حيث يقوم بوضع الخطط الامنية فريق كامل من رجال الشرطة و القوات المسلحة المتقاعدين ذات الخبرات الكبيرة متواجدين لدي شركة امن وحراسة بمصر لذلك يسعي الكثير الي التعاقد معنا

care olders said...

تسعي الكثير من الابناء للحصول علي جليسات مسنين في مصر متميزين لذلك تلجئ الي دار مسنين حتي تقوم بتوفيرهم بحيث يكونوا متميزين في جميع خدمات الرعاية التي يقدموها

karmedksa said...

الكثير من العملاء يبحثون عن شركة متميزة في تركيب القرميد بحيث يكون متين و يمتمد عمرة الي سنوات طويلة دون الاحتياج الي الترميم او التجديد