Thursday, August 26, 2010

just a few things I want to say

1. Remember when I dreamed I was the Great Mouse Detective? (Best dream ever.) Well, there's a mouse in our house and I've decided that maybe he stopped by to pick up on some of my skills. Only problem is we couldn't sleep last night due to the loud, incessant scratching noises coming from the kitchen at 4am. Also, every time I see the mouse I want to throw up. Gross-y. 

2. Apparently there's some girls in California who are putting together and filming a full-on Mormon Bachelorette series. I'm sorry but...Are you kidding me? Does anyone else see a huge paradox in putting Mormonism and a show like the Bachelorette together? So dumb.

3. T.J. Maxx is a total gold mine right now, just so you know. I went shopping this week for the first time in 6 months and bought two cardis, two tops, and a corduroy jacket for pretty dang cheap. Man, it's fun to have some new clothes. I've thought about taking pics and posting them so everyone can see how cute they are but I probably won't because I feel like that might be a little weird.

4. Lately I've been wondering if anyone even reads this blog anymore? Just curious.

The end.


Miriam Lusk said...

Seriously! I hate mice! I squeal involuntarily every time I see ours (I know, I am such a girl), which in turn makes Adney cry b/c he thinks he is in danger, which in turn makes Cammon cry b/c Adney is so LOUD! I hope the mouse dies soon. Just sayin. And Sam, I read your blog and I love it and I love you.

Young People in Love said...

haha thanks grandma princess! I love you too :)

T Kelly said...

I read it! always. but I don't post comments always.

Janssen said...

I want you to post the pictures! Must drool over your new clothing. . .

Emily W said...

I love mice! Like really, when i was 9 I had 30 pet mice. When Ben and first got married Ben and I got a mouse and he trained it.

P.S. I read your blog and love it, I get excited every time it shows up on my google reader as updated.

Andrew and Ariel said...

We just caught a mouse on a sticky pad the other day (not very humane). Also, this is Andrew, and I just read most of the previous posts on the homepage. Great writing! And good luck on the book! And tell Chas good luck with the MMs. We'll keep our eyes out for them. Hope the scooter is treating you well. Blog on.

Mumsy said...

I read every single post.

Chas and his mouse updates on FB have had me laughing the past few days. Hope that mouse learns a lesson and moves next door. :)

Young People in Love said...

Thanks for the comments, everyone! Good to know all this isn't just going out into a black hole...

Brynn said...

So, the way it works with me and your blog, is I read what you've written, and then I check it everyday after that. But most people don't (and really shouldn't) blog everyday, so there's nothing new. Then a couple weeks go by and one day a little light goes off in my brain - ding!(That's the sound of the light going off. I guess that's more of a bell sound, though. A light would probably be more like, "click?") Either way, the light goes off, and I remember your blog. Then there are like 3 or 4 posts and I'm like, "So many posts! Happy birthday to me!" And then I read them, and love them, and the whole cycle starts over again. (Just in case you were wondering.)

Shauna said...

i know the mormon bachelorette and all people involved and its even worse when you know them.