Thursday, December 30, 2010

DIY: Auntie's Tea Party

The other day, Liza and I were talking about the kind of blogs that make you feel super DIY-empowered. After browsing through some amazing before-after pics, you're suddenly thinking things like, "Oh yeah, I could totally construct my very own headboard from some wood scraps, tin cans, and masking tape. Easy peasey." Wrong. So this may or may not be one of those posts for you in that it looks effortless but, in reality, is serious bizzz-nas.

How to have an Auntie's Tea Party

Step 1. Get yourself some darling nieces. 

Step 2. Make the cutest, yummiest tiny cupcakes.

Step 3. Dress up in a pretty outfit. 

Step 4. Everyone in attendance must wear some form of large, sparkly jewlery. Bonus points for tiaras. 

Step 5. No bragging (about your tiara). 

Step 6. Speak of all things present and proper in society while sipping hot cocoa. (British accents are encouraged.)

Step 7. Enjoy soft piano background music and nibble ever so daintily on chocolate dipped strawberries.

As you can see, an Auntie's Tea Party is an involved process. 
Totally worth it.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

back & brothers

We're back from our wonderful Christmas break fun time with the Kelly family. I have so much I want to say about the last 8 days. I think I'll write more about it tomorrow. 

In the mean time, I have plenty of pictures to share. There actually could be lots, lots more but I never want to be someone who is non-stop snapping photos for the sole purpose of a blog post. Step away from the iPhone photo apps and live your life, I say. 

Luckily, Chas' brother Ian is good at taking pictures. Here we have two cute snowboarding brother friends.

 Wanna know some fun-facts about that silly goose on the right, Ian Kelly? He was called to serve as an LDS bishop in the Bronx, NY when he was only. 25. years. old. Ian is also working on his Master's degree in film at Columbia University. He is married to the beautiful, Allison. Oh yeah, and they have the most perfect, smiley bundle of love named Eli baby. Basically, our boogie-down Bronx Kellys are the bees knees any way you look at it.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

turn that frown upside down

Yesterday morning I did the post about hope. What I didn't know was that I'd end up having a very, very, very sad day. One of the worst in a very long time, actually. Lying in bed, eyes sore and puffy from too much crying, I looked at that hope post. Then I read all your wonderful comments again. It helped. Funny how life is.

Today I feel much better, thank you. The anger and disappointment is behind me and I'm moving onward and forward. Faith in every footstep.

There are some things that are also helping me feel better.

One is leaving today to be with these cute in-laws for Christmas fun time the rest of the week. Another is my Arcade Fire Pandora station.

Yup. Things are looking up!

Monday, December 20, 2010


This is the Provo Tabernacle. 

Hands down, the best building in Provo, Utah. Two summers ago, I lived just down the street from the tabernacle. I'd ride bikes past it, walk around it, have stake conference in it. I loved this building with all my heart. 

Then something tragic happened. The tabernacle caught on fire and burned and burned and burned. Pretty sure all of Utah is grieving this loss. Why couldn't the NuSkin building have burned to the ground? No fair. 

After the flames subsided, firefighters found this painting. 
Look closely.

Kinda makes me wanna cry. Happy tears. 
It reminds me that Christ is always there for us, no matter what.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

sat & sun loves

You know we have to take a picture of ourselves whenever wedding colors are involved. 
(Wedding tie, blue skinny cords, and mustard cardi.) 

Us on Saturday night. 
(I like how Chas looks plugged into the wall.)

First, we crashed a reception and ate all the food. Then we went to the Velour's Christmas show and saw Kara play. Kara really is probably one of the coolest and greatest people alive. Her music always makes my heart so, so happy. I love music like that. 

Can I just say that today has been wonderful all the way around? It started with the Christmas program at church (which included Chas singing- surprisingly well, might I add). There was a great little after-church nap with plenty of snugging. This, unfortunately, was cut short because we had to run back to church for tithing settlement. But never fear, as soon as we came home again, we jumped right back into our jammy jams and under the covers. 

I love Sundays when we just relax in bed for however long our hearts desire. There is lots of laughter, giggling, talking, counting our blessings, yelling "Baby, I love you!" a bazillion times, and just good old silliness all around. Days like today really are the best. It's like nothing else in the world needs our attention. Just us. Knowing that these kind of Sundays will surely be all but gone once babies are on the scene, makes these snug fests all the more special.

Sometimes I worry about sounding annoying and braggy when it comes speaking about my marriage. I promise I'm not trying to. It's just that life really is that amazing right now. There's no other way to say it. Besides, there's enough sadness and heartache in the world. I prefer wondrous happy love any day.

P.S. Thank you for everyone's sweet comments about the new do. I wasn't sure how I felt about the color at first but I think I kinda love it now. Thanks again for your kind, generous words!

Friday, December 17, 2010

new hair

Even though I allowed myself to sleep in past 10am, the morning still felt productive. Look what I did: 


You likey??

Thursday, December 16, 2010

some things you should know

This is what my Shining Star cereal looked like this morning. It's basically cherry vanilla lucky charms only it would probably be more efficient to just put a syringe of sugar to my forearm. Also, the residue left in the pink milk sparkled. Like I was eating glitter. As you can tell, I have mixed emotions about the whole experience.

I've recently rediscovered my love of Silk soy milk. Maybe I drank the entire carton of mint chocolate Silk in less than 24 hours. And maybe I wish I had bought...6?...cartons. And maybe I wish I was drinking some right this minute more than almost anything else in the world. 

Last night we made the transition from the "oh-we-don't-even-own-a-t.v." couple to the "come-over-and-check-out-our-sweet-huge-flat screen" couple. It's kinda a scary thrill to drop some serious benjees all at once. We feel like real people now. 

And last, but not least, it's time for me to re-color my hair. I've stuck with the same shade for a some time now and while it works well for me, I'm just itching for a serious change. And because pink isn't super realistic (dang jiggity), I grabbed this box in the hair dye aisle on Tuesday.  

 Dark brown reddish? With my fair, fair skin, it'll either totally wash me out or...make me look like Snow White...maybe? I'm worried.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

oh hey, there's our old living room

Remember when Chas was asked to work on the Christmas Mormon Message and then a film crew was in our living room

Watch this video and see if you can spy with your little eye these two angles from our old place.

(It's ok if you cry. I almost did.)

Our cute and cozy first apartment together will always live on forever through this Mormon Message.
I like that.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

love his guts

I just want to let everyone know that this morning, Chas: 

made me breakfast
packed my lunch
made the bed exactly how I like it

We're fast approaching perfection with this one.

Also, we moved to a new apartment over the weekend and are almost all settled in. Pictures of the new digs coming soon!

Friday, December 10, 2010

but then again, sometimes we get out and do fun stuff on week nights

Wednesday night we took sisters Hailey and Liz to the Jazz game. For the fourth quarter, Chas and I snuck down to the 26th row in the lower bowl. We wanted to see the Heat's Wade and James up close and personal. Too bad the Jazz always choke at the last minute. 

And too bad these three crazies couldn't be there.

 I miss my sissies when they're gone.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

this basically sums up a normal Friday night for us AND my out-of-control pumpkin head

Two things:

1. Sometimes all we do on a Friday night is lay around in our jammy jams. Sometimes I worry we're boring.
2. Our neighbor asked Chas recently: "Oh is your wife that pretty girl with brown hair and the square face?"

So what have we learned? 

1. We are probably a boring married couple. (Don't worry- I'm already over it.)
2. I mos def have a pumpkin head (which, I guess actually works out great because me and Chas luuuuuv us some good pumpkin food stuffs).

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

move it or lose it

This is me a few weeks ago. 

This is me now.

This is us. 

 Don't you love how dark our living room is? We're down to the last brave little light bulb still kickin' and it's gonna stay that way. There's only a few more days left in this joint. 

Moving is kinda the worst. Especially that week or so when you have no other choice but to live with half your house "naked" (as Chas says) and the other half in total shambles. Stuff. is. everywhere. Last night I did some deep breathing exercises and mantra meditation while Chas tickled my back. It helped.

 But actually, I really do love the invigorating change of a move and haven't lived in one place for longer than a year. I moved into this apartment on December 8th of last year so by the time we're officially out on Saturday, I'll have been in here for a grand total of 369 days. 

This little place has been good to us. It was our first home together. We're finding that Chas is surprisingly attached to this apartment and very sentimental about the whole situation. He's a gentle giant, that one.

On the other hand, this is me: "Psshh yeah, yeah, yeah.... Next?" I guess that's what happens when you've lost count of how many times you've moved in your life.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

love fest

See the beauty on the far left? That's my little sister Hailey. She's been home from her mission for a little over a week now. 

Just so you know- we won the cutest welcome-home-missionary-sign contest at the airport.
I love having another sister nearby, kinda like I love my dad's face in this photo. 

And don't worry. We definitely spent the next night watching Taylor Swift's Thanksgiving concert special as a family. We love her, too.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

sometimes the artist inside of me has a hard time being satisfied with just "brunette"

Remember how there's a student in my class who totally rocks long, bleached blond dreads like nobody's business? Remember how a part of me aches for killer, unique hair like that every week I see her?

Ok, ok, so full-on dreads might be a bit too much of a commitment. Also, I couldn't deal with shaving my head when I was sick of them. Buuuuuuut....

Light cotton candy pink hair? That I could do. Just think of it as a fun twist on the red look.
I wonder if my students and/or patients would take me seriously...because I'm seriously contemplating this.

(Chas' response after seeing this post: "Noooooo.....sheeeee's.....nooooooot....!!!")

Friday, December 3, 2010

new look

I was bored with my blog so I did a little switch-o change-o. 
There's one thing that's driving me nuts. No matter what I do, I can't seem to change it. 

Anyone know how to change the "Followers" from orange to gold?

Thanks for the help!

how Bazaar

In case you can't make it, here's what my Beehive Bazaar table looks like this year. I'd apologize for the fact that basically all my pictures are taken with my iPhone but I kinda don't feel sorry. I don't own an expensive professional camera. Deal with it :) Oh, and don't even worry about the huge freaky painting hung on the wall. Not mine.

Let's be honest, it's always very nice to get paid money in exchange for my artwork. But my favorite part of being an artist isn't being able to sell it. What gives me the greatest satisfaction and happiness is being able to give my art away. True story. I don't just hand it out like candy, though. I have to have a good reason and the perfect person to give a particular painting to. And I love when those three things coincide: a specific person, a specific reason, and a specific painting. 

Yesterday I gave this original painting to my art therapy supervisor, Mary. Everything I've gained from Mary has rivaled all I learned in grad school. No joke. She has been an amazing mentor and a generous spirit in my life. When I'm leading a group, I often think WWMD? (What Would Mary Do?). Aside from getting my 1000 clinical post-grad hours, Mary played the biggest role in my becoming an ATR (registered art therapist).

Mary has opened many windows for me. Oh yeah, and she has red hair.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

come see me!

This evening I'll be setting up my little table of art at the Beehive Bazaar.

If you live in Utah and haven't been to this, you're seriously missing out. It's a great place to find unique gifts for yourself and others (I guess). 

This year, my 8x10 fine art prints are only $10! I'll also have super discounted original paintings available. And, for the first time, amazing 20x30 posters of this print for a measly 25 bones: 

You're gonna want one of these posters. It looks soooo rad blown up huge. Trust me.
I'll be there all night so come see me!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

When lists of any kind are involved, I'm there.

A while back, Eday and Amy both tagged me.

(Ashley took this picture a long time ago but I still love it.)

4 shows I watch: 

We don't own a T.V. but like to stream old episodes of The Office, Arrested Development, and Good Neighbors. 
I can't think of a fourth show. Probably because there isn't one. 

4 things I'm passionate about: 

Art therapy. 
Hard work and accomplishing good things. 

4 phrases I say a lot: it bad that I don't have multiple catch phrases? 
Although, Chas' "dang jiggity" is starting to rub off on me and I kinda like it.  

4 things I've learned from the past: 

Things never go as planned. 
Momma knows best.
 With faith and good choices, things have a way of working out.
Apparently Crisco will eventually spoil.

4 places I'd like to go: 

One day Chas will take me on the all-inclusive Italy tour. 
One day I will take Chas on the all-inclusive Oregon tour. 
We won't have any money left over to go anywhere else.  

4 things I did yesterday: 

Waited all morning and afternoon for UPS to deliver a package that never came.
Ate Reese's Puffs cereal for breakfast and lunch.
Fed a chinchilla.
Drove to UVU and taught my night class. 

4 things I'm looking forward to:

Seeing what the child version of Sam and Chas looks like. 
Wearing my new boots (yup- I got em!) with every outfit.
Becoming a better and better art therapist. 
Oh yeah. And being able to totally accept myself as-is would probably be good.

4 things I love about winter: 

Holiday tea. 
Sparkling fresh snow (until I have to drive in it). 
Snuggly warm cuddling. 
Twinkle lights.

4 things on my wish list:

Full-time work with benefits for Chas. 
These jeans in mustard yellow, please.
Red velvet sandwich cookies like these.  
Also, a puppy...for me.

I nominate these 4 friends to make their own lists next:

Miriam @ Lusk Life
Sam @ Love Never Fails
Jessica @ Life Done Properly