The other day, Liza and I were talking about the kind of blogs that make you feel super DIY-empowered. After browsing through some amazing before-after pics, you're suddenly thinking things like, "Oh yeah, I could totally construct my very own headboard from some wood scraps, tin cans, and masking tape. Easy peasey." Wrong. So this may or may not be one of those posts for you in that it looks effortless but, in reality, is serious bizzz-nas.
How to have an Auntie's Tea Party:
Step 1. Get yourself some darling nieces.
Step 2. Make the cutest, yummiest tiny cupcakes.
Step 3. Dress up in a pretty outfit.
Step 4. Everyone in attendance must wear some form of large, sparkly jewlery. Bonus points for tiaras.
Step 5. No bragging (about your tiara).
Step 6. Speak of all things present and proper in society while sipping hot cocoa. (British accents are encouraged.)
Step 7. Enjoy soft piano background music and nibble ever so daintily on chocolate dipped strawberries.
As you can see, an Auntie's Tea Party is an involved process.
Totally worth it.